I just discovered this website today and am impressed by the wealth of material that it contains. Nancy Mayer: Regency Researcher offers a comprehensive array of information on the Regency era, with subjects spanning dance, education, law, marriage, medicine, Parliament & politics, period publications, peers & peerage, Regency fashion, and titles & names. Nancy Mayer has been a long-time contributor to the Writing Regency listserv, and she is considered an authority on the era. I was lucky enough to take an online class on the Regency era with Nancy a few years ago and can attest to her knowledgeable handling of a variety of topics concerning this era. If you can't find the material that you need, Nancy offers an "Ask Nancy" function that allows users to email Nancy with their questions. For the aspiring romance authors out there, I recommend checking out the "Marriage" section, which discusses issues such as common errors in novels and marital law. In addition, since many Regency romances incorporate scenes at balls, Nancy's page on "Dance" is informative and interesting, with images of popular dances and a bibliography at the bottom of the page.

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