Unfortunate news from a fellow author this morning: Stardust Press is closing at the end of the month. If you visit the
Moondancer Drake blog, you'll see the full story. She just recently posted a public letter from the publisher, which reads in part, "After much discussion and negotiation and evaluation, it is with regret that we announce StarDust Press is closing effective September 30, 2007. We are saddened that despite all our efforts, SDP is bleeding, and the investors have decided to cut their losses." One interesting comment, posted by Moondancer Drake at the bottom of the page, notes that epubs need to devote more attention to their marketing efforts. As she says, "I think now creative marketing techniques along with a good solid product is the best shot any of these epubs have to lasting past the start up gate."
If you work in the e-publishing industry as an author, editor, or publisher, I recommend checking out the
Absolute Write Water Cooler forums. They offer tons of information for the newbie writing, and even more importantly, the members exchange information on the latest developments in the industry. If you want to check on a publisher before submitting your work, I advise visiting their
Bewares and Background Check forum. Obviously, not all e-publishers are crooks, just as all New York publishers aren't legit, but it's always good to do your homework. For instance, when I first heard of The Wild Rose Press during the national RWA conference, I went online and searched for news. In addition, I contacted a few Wild Rose Press authors to hear their comments, and when I learned of nothing but positive responses and glowing reviews, I knew I'd found the right place.