Monday, August 3, 2020

Regency Fashion and Writers' Routines

As the pandemic has dragged on, one of the bright spots has been finding a new focus with my writing. Although it's been a challenge managing my child's elearning schedule (so hard!) and also keeping up with work, I found some time to think about what's really important and what important dreams I've set aside. It's been easy to make excuses about why I can't write, but I realized it's a choice. So, I've set aside at least 30 minutes each day to write, and to my surprise, I now have 35,000 words (this after writing 0 words for the previous 6 months).

I also decided to make an investment in my romance writing by taking a class on Regency fashion. I've been re-reading Jennifer Kloester's excellent reference book on Regency England (see image below), and it's provided valuable information on specific details, such as food and carriages.

Over the next few months, therefore, I'll be focusing my posts on writers and their routines, especially their environment and their daily word count goals. I'll also be sharing helpful tidbits from the Regency class. Today, I'm learning about corsets and chemises, which will definitely be helpful with writing love scenes in my Regency romances!

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