The music, the costumes, the tortured Phantom, the love triangle- what's not to love about this lavish romantic production? All serve as a rich source of inspiration for the romance writer.
So, who would you choose: The dashing and heroic Raoul or the magnetic and compelling Phantom?
I don't know who I would choose, but the phantom seemed kind of creepy.
I just bought the DVD yesterday! So I can't choose yet. But I know that romance author Collette Gale is publishing an erotic retelling of the story and she says her phantom gets a lot of action...
The phantom ;)
Oooooh tough call...I tend to be drawn to drama, so I'd probably have chosen the Phantom if I were her. HAHA
I think Raoul was horribly miscast in the movie... he seemed wimpy to me and simply couldn't compete with Gerard Butler's sexy Phantom. I know the Phantom was crazy, but he was HOT in the movie and I kept half-hoping that the ending would be different and the Phantom would get his happy ending.
I'd be hard pressed to choose.
Incidentally, here's the Amazon link to Unmasqued: An Erotic Novel of The Phantom of The Opera . It's Colleen Gleason's (of the Gardella Vampire books) pen name.
I, for one, can't wait to read it.
Okay, I have to admit that I've never seen the movie. For some reason, I've not had the time to rent it and watch it.
Ooh phantom. esp if he sounds like Jose Careras
I was always a Raoul fangirl; I always tend to like the characters that other people don't like or are indifferent too such as Riley from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Oh, I'd go with Raoul. The phantom is a little too unstable for me....
Plus, in the film version, I love the way Raoul goes up against Eric in the sword fight. He's clearly outmatched, but he gives his all for his lady!
... and does a lovely job singing "All I Ask of You." (sigh)
I am a Raul girl, myself. Even though Gerard Butler is quite sexy as the Phantom, Raul is such a romantic.
This movie was fantastic! The sets, costumes, and music were so inspirational. I think I need to watch the DVD again ...
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